Herbs are very precious as they have the potential to cure some critical diseases. Here, most of the herb farmers need to be very careful while they complete the process of farming invaluable herbs. The most important part of their responsibilities rests in the successful processing of herbal extraction. The term itself says what it is all about. On many occasions, the herb farmers or the herbal medicine companies work in close supervision of the expert consultants who are the champions of herbal products.

The process of herbal extraction involves multiple risk factors, The pharmaceutical consultants work well to assist the farmers or the herbal drug companies so that they can preserve the quality of the herbal extracts. The following ways are better as well as safer for maintaining the quality of the extracts. Here, the consultants play a very significant role.

The best methods, used by the top consultants, include the following:


Drying has been a prominent method to preserve the quality of the herbs and their extracts. The process is somehow technical and that is why experts need to complete the process with the utmost care. Here, they harvest the crop, remove the bottom leaves from the stem, make bundles, and hang them upside down to dry. It takes around two weeks to dry the herbs. Here, the experts suggest an alternate method too! Instead of doing the first process, they advise the farmers to lay the herbs on a single-layer drying screen. Here, they need to leave the herbs until they dry completely.

However, the process of drying thicker herbs needs a different process to dry up completely. The experts suggest the use of a dehydrator or a drier to do the needful. They suggest the use of the machine until no drop of moisture is left in the herbs.


This is a very popular way to preserve the herbs so that the farmers can get the maximum extracts of superior quality. Canning is a prominent way to preserve the extracts. Remember, the preservation of the herbs guarantees the best medicinal value of the herbs. The successful drug consultants have been full of praise for this method.


If you wish to preserve the herbs to get the natural qualities for several months or even a year, then tincturing is the most trusted method you can try. The experts believe it to be the simplest yet the most effective method to preserve the quality of the herbal extracts. Usually, they use a liquid, termed as a tincture, to preserve the invaluable extracts. Here, the expert pharmaceutical consultants use alcohol and apple cider vinegar to prepare the tincture that they later use while completing the process of herbal extraction.

Herbal Infusions:

This is yet another very effective method for preserving the quality of herbs and their extracts. Here, the experts talk about using herb-infused oils to do the needful. However, the method is somehow technical, and therefore it requires the involvement of knowledgeable pharmaceutical consultants.

The Bottom Line:

When it comes to obtaining the best herb extracts, the farmers need to follow the best and the most scientific methods. At Geekay Pharmagreen, the expert pharmaceutical consultants near me in Delhi have been of great importance for the herb farmers and other herbal medicine manufacturers.

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